Posts Tagged ‘creation’

Today, Christianity is under attack more than ever. Christians with a biblical worldview seem to be targets for ridicule and other forms of bullying in the public schools, universities, culture, and in the media. So when a film affirms a Christian worldview in any sense, it’s hard not to be excited.

The production quality of God’s Not Dead was good for a Christian themed movie, and I highly recommend this film. When we viewed the movie with our two granddaughters, we hoped that it would be an example to them of how to argue for one’s faith in public school, as the stats show that this is one area where young Christians struggle and even lose their faith.

There are multiple subplots in the movie which are all introduced in its first few minutes, but although they are not developed immediately, they become fairly predictable. However, the main story is that Josh, a college freshman, is taking an Introduction to Philosophy class from an atheistic professor, Dr. Radisson. (Played by Kevin Sorbo who is known for his many roles on TV shows)

On the very first day of class, the professor stands up and gives a short discourse about the virtues and intellectual superiority of atheism. He then gives the class their first assignment. He passes out blank papers, and demands that each student write “God is dead” and sign their names in order to get a passing grade. Josh refuses, so the professor forces him to take an alternate assignment: Josh will be given time in the next three lectures to prove the existence of God. If the students in his class are convinced, he passes the assignment. If not, he fails the semester, and thus jeopardizes his chances of attaining a law degree.

Although Dr. Radisson’s blatant requirement to reject one’s faith in writing seems hard to believe in even today’s culture, but the reality is that many Christian students are facing similar experiences to the one Josh faces in this film. Many high school biology teachers demonstrate their own bigotry in classrooms by teaching students that evolution is a fact rather than one of many theories of how our world came to be. So if so few believers are equipped with and boldly share a viable defense for the biblical worldview, is it any wonder that people might ultimately conclude that science has proven that the Bible is just a bunch of stories, and thus, “God is dead”?

Interestingly, the film’s harshest critics have been from other Christians. Many of them complain that the movie mistakenly stereotypes Christians as shallow and unrealistic and that atheists were portrayed as evil God haters. They also claim that the characters did a bad job of defending their faith, which could be dangerous for new believers who use the same arguments when confronted with the same challenge.

Although there was some stereotyping throughout the movie, overall we enjoyed the film and it gave us a great opportunity to have a serious discussion about standing up for our faith with our granddaughters.

When your faith is tested, can you explain what you believe?
The Apostle Peter commands all believers to, “…always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you …” (1 Peter 3:15)

Fulfilling the role of a ‘defender of the faith’ requires us to make an effort to study– Studying God’s Holy Word as well as studying the atheist’s views.
So take action today and equip yourself and your family with the readily available resources that will make a difference not only for you, but also for your children, and in their ability to confidently and boldly defend their faith and share the Gospel.

“Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of then, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.” (1 Peter 3:13-17)

God created you amazingly unique and special. That’s why there is no one in this entire universe who is exactly like you.

No one else:

Thinks the way you think; Feels the way you feel; Loves the way you Love; Smiles the way you smile; Laughs the way you laugh; Hurts the way you hurt, or cries the way you cry.

From the hair on your head to your very unique toenails, God created you to be one of a kind; just like every sparkling snowflake. And there is no one else like you. Never was, and never ever will be.

God created you beautiful, inside out. You are God’s unique treasure. That’s how special you are. That’s how much you are loved and cherished by God.

And God wants you to experience the light of His love and grace and share it with others; His light that is more glorious and brighter than thousands of suns.

And if you are not there to shine God’s light who knows how many travelers in this journey will miss God’s love and light as they pass by you in the darkness.

So please, let God’s light of love and grace shine through you so others will see it and come out of the darkness and into God’s marvelous light.

Then they too, will awaken to the truth and realize how unique and special they really are.

Adapted from a  poem by ~ Kiran Shaikh